Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

Two species of mud crab found in west sumatera

Rahmat Khairi Dartias. K2A 003 043. The Structure of Mud Crab Community in Mangrove Area in Jorong Ujung Labung, Tanjung Mutiara Sub Regency, Agam Regency, West Sumatera. (Supervised by : Ign. Boedi Hedrarto and Subiyanto)

Agam regency is one of areas ini West Sumatera having the big potentials of mud crab, nevertheless not yet becoming a major priority to develop. Mud crab belongs to family of Portunidae which live in various ecosystems such as in mangrove waters, estuarine and some in sea. There are species of mud crab have been identified while those are not yet recognized by the people of Agam regency.

The objectives of this research was to determine the spesies, the distribution, and the population and also the effect of location on the population of mud crab to the mangrove area of Tanjung Mutiara sub regency, Agam regency. Furthermore, the research was expected for to be beneficial for future research and the management of mud crab sources in mentioned mangrove area.

The research was conducted based on a descriptive survey method from August to October 2007. The data were collected using nested design method in order to get informations from three different stations; of which each was divided into three sub stations.

It was found out in the research of two species of mud crab. They was Scylla serrata and Scylla tranquebarica. They could be differentiated from 2 carpus spine (ICS and OCS) and the carapace width at spine. Both were species found in all of station. Scylla serrata caught more than Scylla tranquebarica. There was no relation between different location and the population of mud crab based on its species and its class market. Station II and III were the areas having the most mud crabs caught, that was 38,17% and 39,19%.

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